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notification المنصات التعليمية
notification الدعم الفني

للتواصل مع مكتب المساعدة الخاص بالحاسب الآلي الاتصال على الرقم

او رقم البدالة في الفترة الصباحية 1806611 داخلي 1333

اضغط هنا للتواصل مع ادارات ومراكز الهيئة

 ارسال رسالة للشكاوى الى البريد الإلكتروني

للتحدث مع موظفي الدعم الفني لأي مشكلة تقنية اضغط هنا

subdepartment of organizational Development and Job Description

Name: Khaled Abdulaziz Majed Alattar 
Job title: head department of organizational development and job description
Extension NO.: 4520

Administrative management

Organizational unit name: subdepartment of organizational Development and Job Description

Organizational level: department

Organizational subsidiarity: Monitoring management development and training- Administrative Development and Training Department – Deputy Director General for Planning and Development

Management functions
• Preparing organizational structures for the various duty stations of the Authority.

•Preparing the terms of reference of the organizational units of the Commission.

•Examine and review the approved organizational structure periodically and redevelop it as required.

•Follow-up on the process of approval of the organizational structure and organizational units established in the Authority.

•Prepare periodic follow-up reports on the department's activities and submit them to the direct official.

•Develop appropriate proposals for the development of the organizational structure and competencies of the Authority in relation to the administrative and financial aspect.

•Preparing job description cards for job names approved by the Authority.

•Prepare the annual estimated budget for the section plan in accordance with the desired objectives.

•Implement the workflow plan as required.

•Implementation of various administrative decisions.

•Develop appropriate proposals for the development of job descriptions in accordance with the standards and controls of the Civil Service Commission.

•Perform any other work-related tasks entrusted to it by the direct supervisor.